• Arusha Tanzania



This is an active volcanic mountain estimated to be round 350,000-400,000 years old. Oldoinyo Lengai known as “the mountain of god” is one of the youngest volcanic mountains in east Africa and most actively. The eruptive records activities were firstly documented by Dr. Fischer in 1883, a first European to pass through this area of Maasai land. An interesting feature of Ol doinyo Lengai is that it’s the only known active volcanic mountain to produce carbonate lava, a form of molten rock that contains almost no silicon, it’s about 50 percent cooler than other forms of lava at around 510˚c and is also exceptionally fluid with a viscosity comparable to water. The mountain is hike able, though suitable to reasonably fit and agile travelers, the trail up to the Lengai top is very steep, with an altitude ranging from 500-3100m, while the descent can be very tough on knees and ankles. Climbing usually began at the campgrounds around Lake Natron and takes 5-6 hours though during the day it’s very hot making it rough, and inhospitable to travelers. On ascent during the day make sure you carry enough water to avoid dehydration, descent takes about 2-3 hours. There are some points for camping on the mountain, though it’s highly recommended that you set up camp in the inactive south crater rather than the active north crater, camping away from this northern crater made you avoid the risk of your camp being engulfed by an unexpected lava flow or bombard by eruptive rocks. All hikers should be cautious as this volcanic mountain is unpredictable.
LAKE NATRON - a salt and soda lake in the Arusha region of northern Tanzania. The lake has a surface of 600m and measures 57km long and 22km wide. The lake is quite shallow, less than 3m deep and varies in width depending on its water level. The lake covers a total surface area of 1040km2 and lies close to the Kenyan border and is in the Gregory rift valley, which is the eastern branch of the East African rift. This lake is fed entirely/principally by the southern Ewaso Ngiro River which originated in central Kenya and by mineral-rich hot springs. Temperatures at the lake are frequently above 40°C (104°F)-60°C(140°F) together with its high and variable salt content make it inhospitable to animals, it also receives irregular seasonal rainfall between DECEMBER and MAY totally 800m per year. High level of evaporations left behind Natron (sodium carbonate decahydrate) and TRONA (sodium sesquicarbonate dehydrate). The alkalinity of this beautiful lake soars to a season, as water evaporates during the dry season salinity levels increases to the point that salt-loving microorganism begin to thrive. CYANOBACTERIA do make their own food with photosynthesis as plants do the red accessory pigment in the cyanobacteria produces the deep reds of the open water of the lake and the orange colors of the shallow parts of the lake. This lake is a vital and only regular breeding area in east Africa for the 2.5 million lesser flamingos, whose status of near threatened results from their dependence on this one destination though 75% of the world’s lesser flamingoes are born on lake Natron. Different species do thrive and stroll along or near the lake and there are a number of campgrounds near the lake which is also the base for climbing Oldoinyo Lengai.



Upon your arrival at K.I.A you will be met and picked by a member of DASSIE SAFARIS LTD and transfer you on road to MASAILAND LODGE in Arusha, a 45-50 minutes’ drive. Dinner and overnight stay of MASAILAND LODGE and bed and breakfast.


After a hearty breakfast at the LODGE you will be picked by our tour driver guide and chef and start a drive to Oldoinyo Lengai 5 hours. you will encounter lots of attractions including a stopover at MTO WA MBU, then proceeds to Lengai where you will encounter large game grazing by and bands of local people roaming the land, arriving in the afternoon/midday at falls camp located at the banks of the Engaresero River, a welcoming point for you to take a shower or bathe in the river, or take a trek to the waterfalls hidden in the western wall of the great rift valley. Take a rest and at around mid-night engage a summit attempts to Lengai which will be a 5-6 hours climb.
Meal plan B.L.D


After taking tea and cookies in the middle of the night, drive to the base of the mountain where the climbing adventure always starts from. This unique active volcanic mountain towers to a height of 3188m and is situated on the eastern part of the great Ngorongoro and south of the lake natron. Though not that tall trek to this mountain is difficult and quite challenging but with the assistance of your guide you will make it to the summit. Climbing will take approximately 5-6 hours and on reaching the summit take your time enjoying the breathtaking views, taking magnificent pictures for around 20-45 minutes then shuffling down to the base of the mountain 3-4 hours. Transfer to camp for a hot lunch, rest and overnight stay. .


After a hearty breakfast at the camp, visit the famous breeding hub for the lesser flamingos who do breed in millions, the lake natron. Enjoy all of the eye-catching attractions found around this beautiful harsh and caustic lake has to offer. Embark to the camp on midday, have your hot lunch, collect all of your gears and belongings and drive back to Arusha with which one may opt to pass through on of the Masai Boma for a cultural blend or the Meserani Snake park for sharing a moment with some of the snake’s species which are shy and difficult to encounter in the real wild. It is about 4-5 hours’ drive to Arusha (MASAILAND LODGE) where you will spend your overnight on bed and breakfast basis.


After a hearty breakfast at the lodge, pick up by our driver and transfer to the airport or similar and catch a flight back home. End of service .

What included/journey inclusions

  • Meet and great service
  • Airport to and from
  • Pre and post trek accommodation at HOTEL/LODGE
  • Park, camping and rescue fees
  • Guide fees, cooks and porters’ fees
  • Bottled water
  • V.A.T
  • Sleeping tents mats
  • Transportation to and from the mountain gate
  • 3course meals on the mountain.

  • Local and international flights
  • Visa
  • Beverages and alcoholic drinks
  • Things of person nature
  • Sleeping bags, clothing and sleeping pads
  • Tips and other gratuities

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