• Arusha Tanzania


- Tanzania is a home of different unique attractions making it to be among the best country in Africa with the best travel destinations. It is the home of the largest intact volcanic caldera, the NGORONGORO, MOUNT KILIMANJARO, the tallest free-standing volcanic mountain in the world, OL DOINYO LENGAI the unique active volcanic mountain in the world known to produce natrocarbonate lava, LAKE CHALA, the deepest inland volcanic crater lake, the SERENGETI national park, the park with the most number of plain game left on earth, OLDUVAI GORGE, the cradle of mankind, the SELOUS, the world’s largest game reserve , RUAHA, the largest national park in Tanzania, TENDAGURU a pre-historic site where the largest dinosaur of the world fossils were reported seen by a German engineer.
- The spices island of ZANZIBAR and seven UNESCO world heritage sites, Tanzania is among the world’s leaders in cultural tourism.
- Tanzania is an oasis of peace and stability with a democratically elected and stable government.
- Tanzania is also nestled in between the 3 great lakes of Africa which are also very unique and attracting and also the INDIAN OCEAN, the 3rd largest ocean of the world. - Being a peaceful country, its warm and friendly people and cuisines, speak English which together with Swahili are widely spoken.
- The legacy of the ancient Swahili civilizations, such as KILWA RUINS, once a city of the ARABIAN KNIGHTS. Wonderful places for swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving and fishing off thousands of kilometers INDIAN OCEAN coastline. BEST TIME TO VISIT TANZANIA
- Tanzania is the best country to be visited all year round, though different circuits do differ,
- The best wildlife viewing months in Tanzania are during the dry season from late June to October. During dry seasons many animals congregate along the water sources to cool their bodies, quenching thirst and finding prey.
- The best chances of seeing the wildebeests calving down is late January to February. - The more popular Northern Tourist Circuit parks can be visited year-round, TARANGIRE is the only exception, since its wildlife viewing is considerably better in the dry season as well.
- The best time to visit the Northern Tourist Circuit is from June to October to all parks whereby in SERENGETI the largest migration drama of GNUS plodding through the ecosystem may be seen and calving down in the months of January and February respectively.
- During the high season May-September Northern Tourist Circuit get crowded. - Low season starting from April to May the Northern Tourist Circuit parks still get quite a few visitors.
- Best weather: June to October, there is little to no rainfall making wildlife viewing more worth and scenic.
- Worst weather: march and April there is high amount of rainfall/precipitation experienced making it to be very difficult to spot wildlife, impassable dirty roads, floods from seasonal rivers etc.
- June to October-dry season.
- June and July are the best months to see the wildebeest migration.
- Animals are easier to spot since they concentrate around waterholes and rivers and there is less vegetation as plants do shed their leaves.
- There are few mosquitoes because there is little to no precipitation. Skies are clear and most clear days are sunny. Even though most tourists visit during the dry season, the parks still don’t feel crowded, except for the Ngorongoro crater and the central Serengeti (Seronera).
- Mornings and nights get cold. Its recommended to bring warm clothing for morning game drives in open vehicles during the months of June, July and august (chilly mornings and evenings).
- November to may-wet season.
- During the wildebeest migration, this is the best time to see the ruthless, chasers and the stalkers showing their prowess in procuring food/prey.
- During the wet spells the plains appears green and beautifully dotted with flowers of different colors. Although wildlife is easier to spot in the dry season, you will still see plenty and most Northern Tourist Circuit parks offer good year-round wildlife viewing. Migratory birds’ species are present and birdwatching is at its best, birders are just needed to prepare their cameras for new lifers.
- During wet spells’ most MEGA fauna migrate out of TARANGIRE national park to the nearby areas though within its ecosystem.
- These circuits have unique parks with different species of both flora and fauna offering the best to visitors.
- These circuits are best visited in the dry season from June to October a common feature shared with TARANGIRE national park a Northern Tourist Circuit.
- These circuits never get crowded throughout the year, during high season and low season, compared to the Northern Circuits.
- All Tanzania’s protected areas offers the best a visitor deserve to get. CLIMATE
- Tanzania has a tropical climate but has regional variations due to topography. In the highlands, temperature range between 10-20˚C (50-68˚F) during cold and hot seasons respectively.
- The rest of the country has temperatures rarely falling lower than 20˚C (68˚F). the hottest period extends between November and February 25-31˚C or 77-88˚F while the coldest period occurs between May and august 15-20˚C or 59-68˚F.
- Seasonal rainfall is driven mainly by the migration of the intertropical convergence zone. It migrates Southwards through Tanzania in October to December, reaching the south of country in January and February and returning Northwards in March, April and May. This causes the North and East of Tanzania to experience two distinct wet spells, the short rains (VULI) in October to December and the long rains (MASIKA) from March to May while the Southern, Western and Central parts of the country experience one wet spell that continues October through to April or May.
- The onset of the long rains (precipitation) averages 25 march and the cessation averages 21 may.
- Of the land area, 84.1% has a tropical wet and dry/savannah climate, 6.9% has a semiarid/steppe climate, 9percent has a mesothermal climate with dry winters. - Of the population, 80.5 % live in a tropical wet and dry climate, 9.5% live in a semiarid/steppe climate, 10% live in a temperate climate with dry winters.

- Tanzania is nestled just on the south of the equator bordering the Indian Ocean and the three great lakes of Africa, Lake Tanganyika, Victoria and Nyasa respectively and is 947,300km2 which makes it the largest East African country.
- The land covers 885,800km2, water covers 61,500km2 and 247,537km2 is devoted to the protection of wildlife. Most of the land falls within the central plateau region, although distinctive features are the great rift valley with its associated series of lakes from lake Nyasa in the south to the Lake Tanganyika in the west, and Lake Victoria in the north. The coastline comprises the long tropical beaches and the major offshore island Zanzibar (Pemba and Unguja) and Mafia.
- Tanzania is much dotted with a number of dormant, active and extinct volcanic mountains, block mountains, waterfalls, crater lakes among many breathtaking features.
- The Eastern Coast contains Tanzania’s largest city and former capital, DAR ES SALAAM. Just north of the city lies the Zanzibar archipelago, a semi-autonomous territory of Tanzania which is famous for its spices.
- The coast is home to areas of East African mangroves, mangrove swamps that are an important habitat for wildlife on land and in the water.

- It is believed that modern humans originate from the rift valley region of East Africa and as well as fossilized hominid remains, archaeologists have unearthed Africa’s oldest human settlement in Tanzania.
- Early history in 1959, Dr. Louis Leakey, a British anthropologist discovered at Olduvai Gorge in North East Tanzania the fossilized remains of what he called Homo habilis, who lived about 1.75 million years ago.
- It is also the place where the largest Dinosaurs skeletons were unearthed by a German mining engineer Bernard Wilhelm Sattler on his way to mine south of MBEMKURE river, it was made in 1906.
- Sattler sent a report of his discoveries to German and it caught the interest of paleontologists who made a trip to Africa and visited the site in 1907. - Brachiosaurus brancai the world’s largest known dinosaur was also present in Tanzania, TENDAGURU area 100km northwest of LINDI town.
- Tanzania TENDAGURU has been considered the richest of late Jurassic strata in Africa. - The united republic of Tanzania was formed by the unity of Tanganyika and Zanzibar which took place in the year 1964 few years after the independence of Tanganyika in 1961 and Zanzibar revolution 1964.
- Tanganyika was under the colonial rule of Germans, Portuguese, and Arabs and lastly colonized by the British.
- Zanzibar was under the rule of sultan of Oman, Arabs. Kiswahili which is the national language mixed up languages of German, Arabic, Portuguese and Bantu origins.
- The redolent mix of people and cultures in Tanzania creates a tapestry of memories for the visitor.
- Since the dawn of mankind, when the open plains of East and Southern Africa saw the birth of humanity, Tanzania has been home to incalculable peoples of many different origins.
Tanzania’s history has been influenced by a procession of peoples, from the original bantu settlers from south and west Africa to the Arabs from Shiraz in Persia and the Oman, from the Portuguese, to the Germans and the British.
- Tanzania has a population of over 55milion with 125 African ethnic groups, none of which represent more than 10% of the population. The Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Makonde and the Chagga of the Kilimanjaro region, are the largest group living in the north western part of the country, south of Lake Victoria. They are fairly commercial oriented and have prospered with a mix of cotton farming and cattle herding.
- The HADZA of Northern Tanzania have built a society based on hunting and gathering food, while the IRAQUE live in the central highlands of MBULU and are known for their statuesque, immobile posture and sharply delineated features. They grow their own food and tend cattle.
- The MAASAI, who are perhaps the most well-known of East Africa’s ethnic groups, are pastoralists whose livelihood and culture is based on the rearing of cattle, which are used to determine social status and wealth.
- Of the 55 million people and 125 tribes of Tanzania, there is a great variation in language, customs and traditions.

FOOD AND DRINKS - In Tanzania, it is generally endorsed to drink only bottled mineral water which is readily available everywhere. There are no limitations on the sale or consumption of alcoholic drinks in Tanzania. A good selection of local brewed beers and soft drinks are avail everywhere and you will find a range of imported wines, spirits, whiskey, and beers in many places, though can be expensive.
- The quality and value of food in Tanzania is highly variable and in general, the more expensive the lodge, hotel or restaurant is the better and safer the food will be. Eat sensibly, be wary of cold buffets and salads. Particularly in the first days of your visit to avoid discomforts while having a stay in Tanzania.
- power sockets are the UK square pin type. Remember if you want to use the America appliance you will need a voltage converter as well as a plug converter. Mains power supply is subject to cuts and voltage fluctuation. On safari, most lodges power supplies are from generators and these are often turned off during parts of the day and night to reduce noise and fuel consumption.
- The national language of Tanzania is Kiswahili but English is widely spoken and is the language of the tourist trade and other international business. Though other international language like French, Spanish, German, Chinese, and Italian may be used/spoken. DASSIE SAFARIS however, boasts quite a few multilingual driver-guides who are naturally fluent.
- In Tanzania the power supply is at the UK/European standard voltage of 220-240v, and
- DASSIE SAFARIS equips all of its safari jeeps with two-way radios so that driver guide can communicate with their base, each other and the lodges. Most lodges and hotels also have a telephone, but the service particularly for overseas calls, is both erratic and expensive.
- More remote lodges and camps are likely to rely on radio for communications. Protected areas are not within cell phone range, but satellite telephones work just about everywhere/anywhere.
- The unit of currency is the Tanzania shillings (TSH) which is divided into 100 cents. Visitors from all corners of the globe can bring with them amount of foreign currency but it is against the law to import or export Tanzania currency. Foreign currency in cash or in travelers’ cheques may be exchanged at the commercial banks, bureau de changes or at the authorized dealers operating at the international airports, border post and in major towns or cities.
- It is not generally possible to obtain cash on a credit card in Tanzania so it is recommended that visitors should carry sufficient funds in the form of traveler’s cheque.
- As Tanzania has a tropical climate, but has regional variations due to topography, in the highlands, temperature range between 10-31˚C including the country’s rest parts.
- Light tropical clothes, especially cotton slacks, shirts and skirts are most suitable. Some warm clothing is needed in the higher altitude areas around Ngorongoro crater (caldera), Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru (Arusha), especially in the evenings and early in the morning and in the wet spells respectively.
- Comfortable walking shoes are recommended on safari and guests are advised to carry the proper gears and insect repellants.
- Visitors in the beaches of Zanzibar and other islands are expected to dress modestly, avoid swim suits, miniskirts and other revealing clothing outside of the hotels, resorts, beaches etc.
- In Tanzanian there are different modes of transportation, ranges from long distances coaches to local buses and minibuses (daladala).
- Long distance coaches are spacious, luxurious and comfortable unlike minibus and local bus which are mostly overcrowded and potentially dangerous.
- There is a railway network connecting major towns, though but at best the passenger services can be sporadic and dispirited. Taxis are available almost everywhere in urban areas but the condition of these can be very poor. The better hotels generally have their own superb vehicles or can have a selection of the best ones, of which they are the best you should select particularly for longer journey to avoid unnecessary delays by boarding poor, unworthy taxis.
- It is better advised while in Tanzania not to hire a car or any vehicle without a driver, as since the poor state of many of the roads in both town and on safari plus reckless driving by other road users makes driving on most routes tiring and unsafe.
Tanzania is connected to the world by a network of international airlines and owns three international airports, 2 of which are found mainland and one on the Zanzibar island. Also, Tanzania has a wealth of local domestic flights connecting the entire country and various vital destinations at large including the game parks, game reserves, major towns and cities. It also has a balloon safari transport where one has a golden chance of enjoying our great parks in style i.e miracles, Serengeti, adventure aloft.
International flights to Tanzania are;

  • Turkish airlines
  • Kenya airways
  • Qatar airways
  • Ethiopian airlines
  • KLM royal dutch airlines
  • Local/domestic scheduled flights within Tanzania which are operated daily on scheduled timetable includes;
  • Air excel
  • Coastal aviation
  • Auric air
  • Regional air
  • Precision air
  • As salaam air
  • Air Tanzanian (national airline)

  • Balloon safaris,br>
  • Miracle
  • Adventure aloft
  • Serengeti balloon
Tanzania can also be accessed and traversed through water transport to various destinations with valuable tourism activities, the great lakes connecting the east African countries to the south and the great Indian ocean connects Dar es salaam-Zanzibar among other places. Connecting destinations, one may use a body of water, such as ocean, sea, lake, river or canal to move people or goods from one place to another. Both sea and inland waterways ports in Tanzania are managed and operated by the Tanzania ports authority and safety is highly safeguarded and prioritized. Traverse and float on the Tanzania waterbodies at the same time enjoying its best wildlife and a breathtaking view of a a sundowner along the Lake Tanganyika and the Rufiji river respectively.
- Tanzania has only one time zone. Local time is GMT+3 and daylight savings time is not used.
- Visitors traveling to Tanzania should come with their personal effects including cameras, film and binoculars may be imported free on duty though temporarily.
- Firearms require a special permit that should be obtain in advance.
- Visitors buying local handicraft must keep cash sales receipts and ownership certificates for wildlife trophies for presentation to customs officials on departure.
- Generally, all visitor should be feeling free to visit Tanzania as it is a safe country to travel in. Tanzanians are warm-hearted, kind, loving and caring people and are eager to assist visitors get the most out of their stay. Tanzania is a politically stable, multi-democratic country. As in all countries, a little common sense goes a long way and reasonable measures should be taken, as locking valuables in the hotels, lodges and not walking alone at night.
- Most hotels and lodges have gift shops with a selection of local crafts and souvenirs. - There are also a few roadside stalls and shops that you will pass enroute. You will find some interesting batiks, paintings and woodcarvings. Precious stones and Jewelry are also a specialty.
- Tanzania has a tropical climate and different bacteria, flora and fauna that most visitors are accustomed to, so it is advisable to take a few health precautions when travelling to make sure your trip goes as comfortably and smooth as possible. Malaria is usually top on the list of visitors’ worries and prevention goes a long way towards keeping you protected. Make sure to visit your physician to get a prescription for the anti-malarial drug the best suit you.
- The yellow- fever vaccination is no longer official when entering Tanzania, though other vaccination should be ultimately considered. - Recommended vaccines for traveler to Africa include those against Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Typhoid, Hepatitis A and B, Yellow fever, Rabies and Meningitis. - Plan your trip precisely.
Due to COVID-19 outbreak, we really urge all of our clients to take a great caution against this deadly disease which had caused a great tension, but we thank God that it can be managed through vaccination and adhering to other precaution measure like;
- Wearing face mask.
- Keeping a safe social distancing.
- Washing hands frequently with clean and safe water.
- Use of hand sanitizer.
- Cover mouth when sneezing/coughing.
- Avoid touching nose, mouth, ears and eyes.
- No hugging.